Thursday, July 28, 2011


This was a fun advertisment that I found searching for inspirational videos on the internet. It has some great shots of paint flying and people working in different ways to make the blank bottles come to life. It shows process, artists at work, in their studios and exploration. Its shot really well. It engaged me because it was quite fast paced and each scene was offering me something of interest visually. Cut together well and I feel that as the video progresses you see the artist's work and the final outcome of the project, overall explained through the video's visual narrative. I am also a big fan of UVA's (United Visual Artists) work so it was great to see that they had done a piece for this project.

The music is fun and vibrant and enhances the fun mood of the video, by using an upbeat keyboard track it also has a new york, jazz type feel to it which often seems to imply "art" as it has been usecd so many times before to accompany such videos that it has stuck in my mind as a sound that feels contemporary, refined and I associate with progression in the sense of creating something and the progression one must go through to reach intended outcomes. This video is vibrant I guess, thats the feeling that I get through the sound and feel of it. I forget thats its a vodka add for a second when I watch it!

"ABSOLUT BLANK - a global creative movement, in which ABSOLUT appears as a catalyst for contemporary leading-edge creativity. In collaboration with a new generation of artists:

Adhemas Batista
Aestethic Apparatus
Brett Amory
Dave Kinsey
David Bray
Eduardo Recife
Fernando Chamarelli
Good Wives & Warriors
Jeremy Fish
Ludovica Gioscia
Marcus Jansen
Mario Wagner
Morning Breath
Robert Mars
Sam Flores
Thomas Doyle
Zac Freeman"

Source: Absolut Vodka 2011, Absolute Blank - TVC, viewed July 28, 2011,

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