Tuesday, July 19, 2011


May 1, 2011, 11.59pm, Who made the Bed, Jamin, 2011.

Source: Jamin 2011, Jamin, viewed 20 July, 2011,


I'm trying to do my research on Ben Kluss or Jamin as he is known to many. I have an interview coming up with him soon and know less about his work than I did with Tom O'Hern's. I know what Jamin is about as an artist but the more you can learn before you sit down and talk the more you can get out of your subject at the time of interview I believe.

Jamin's work is subversive and tends to have a bit of a poke at the establishment through popular cultural references, often fun in their nature, the works tackle serious issues in world and local politics. The medium used is often spray paint and there is still a feel of the street art aesthetic in his work, even though it can often be found in gallery shows now.

Jamin has created his own website rather than just making use of a blog and this is an excellent resource for viewing his work as well as being able to access media clippings and audio about the artists. There are statements about the work and explanations as to what events and galleries he has participated in. There is also a list of links that you can follow to other artists and organisations. If you follow these or know these artists you will be able to place Jamin amongst his peers in the context of which they all work. There is a definate street subcultural vein that all these artists are known to exist in.

I will be reading through the media on his site further before I conduct the interview.

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