Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Old Tom Bone - Tom O'hern

Source: Blogger 2011, Old Tom Bone, viewed, 20 July, 2011,


This is Tom O'hern's blog where you can view his work, I've already taken an hour long interview with Tom and thought it would be good to back up this initial primary research with a bit of secondary background research. Usually I would do this before the interview but I have know Tom for years and we had very conflicting schedules and I wasn't sure if I would get another chance before the end of the semester?

Tom is someone who you can see genuinely loves what he does and is always doing it in some capacity. Although he doesn't seek to necessarily be successful as an artist he is starting to become successful. I think the time we did the interview was great timing because he was about to show at three different shows in three different countries. He put in countless hours to prepare work for this period of time in his professional life and the work paid off as the results were quite amazing. If you visit his blog you can see this work and it looks like the progression of an artist who just keeps getting better at what he does.

I will be interested to try and interview him after he gets back to and see how his experience of travel and exhibiting overseas has affected his next steps in art making.

In looking at his website I was hoping to get some more information on Tom so I could start to edit his video. There are good images there that Might get used in one capacity or another. I can not say at this point. There is little written word on his background or thoughts on art.

Dispite a lack of written information having this blog to reference while he is not here in Tasmania to talk to personally is valuable in itself.

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