Thursday, July 28, 2011

David Shillinglaw - Hope Street

Hope Street from david shillinglaw on Vimeo.

viewed: 28 July, 2011:

I found this video today. The way it has been shot and put together in production is quite common, I have found in artist videos. The action is sped up and it looks almost as if it is just one long stream of still photos that have been cut together in chronological order to make a video sequence. What it shows you is a process that would usually be hours long if watched in real time. It gives you an insight into the artists process and a sense of the context of which he works. In this case, the work is being done on what appears to be the entrance to a music studio, due to the comings and goings of the people carrying instruments. I assume the intent was to make the entrance more funky and fun and possibly stand out a bit from the rest of the urban landscape.

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