Monday, July 18, 2011

Walrus TV Artist Feature: Buff Diss

Source: Walrus TV 2011, Warus TV Artist Feature: Buff Diss, viewed 19 July, 2011,

This is a great take on street art. The artist Buff Diss makes art with masking tape. He claims that he confuses authorities by not leaving permanent making on the urban landscape and thereor people don't know how to treat his work.

This short film really exposes his love of urban exploration and interaction with the urban landscape. Explores his methods and background of enjoying traditional graffiti. The power of the message through visual conversation on the street through art.

Much of the film contains stills and the way the interview footage is shot is back lit so the artists face can not be seen. Interesting as he almost says he is under no threat of being arrested for what he does.

I enjoy the simplicity of using still image but zooming in or out to make the images more dynamic.

Interesting artist.

There is no music to this interview, it is more of a continuous stream of consciousness or a story about his work and experiences.

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