Monday, August 1, 2011

LASCO Brand Introduction from LASCO on Vimeo.

Source : Lasco 2011, Lasco Bran Introduction, 1st August, 2011,

This is a really nice uplifting video. It shows the determination of a brand that stands up for its own country rather than sending money outside of America to cut production costs. The video starts of showing ghostly almost still shot images and walkthroughs of abandoned warehouses that presumable once produced footware. This part of the video is accompanied by a slow piano soundtrack that almost makes you feel sad that shoes are no longer made in these abandoned spaces.

The second half of the video has an uplifting soundtrack and is accompanied by video that shows the shoe making process. The shift in music and the appearance of new shoes in these old abandoned spaces is a really nice transition in terms of composition and storyline. It also contains interviews and voiceover and gives you an insight into a shoemaking company and its workers, who refuse to let quality slip for the sake of making more money.

I think its nicely shot. The interview shots are shot on a dark background with a light hitting the subject. Its a nice feel that works well with the darkly lit shoe factory. The beginning of the film has a fish eye lense effect that is blurred around the edges. I'm not sold on that and I think it was unnecessary.

Apart from that the storytelling is done very well through the use of camera and narration.

1 comment:

  1. After I watched this clip I found out that this was a promotional video for a brand that had not even launched yet. I looked up the site and found that this video has been so successful, the company is holding sneak previews of its product for people because there is so much demand already that they are expecting to sell out initially.

    A successful video I think!
