Monday, July 18, 2011

Orelha Negra - M.I.R.I.A.M. X Vhilsç

Source: youtube 2011, Orelha Negra - M.I.R.I.A.M. X Vhilsç, viewed 19 July, 2011, Directed Alexandre Farto,

This is a great video for a number of reasons. Its a filmclip for Orelha Negra's song: M.I.R.I.A.M.

1. it is a great example of the process of making art. Vhils uses explosives on old walls to blow ou the negative sections of the works and leave the imprint of his image permanently etched into the pal walls. Extreme street art really. Captured in slow motion you can se the wires of the explosives and fragments of wall flying away to reveal the images underneath. Its shot really well.

2. The music is a very contemporary smooth sounding track that makes you warm to such a violent way of creating art. The music is performed by Orelha Negra who are a Portugese band like the artist himself. (, 2011,, 2011)

3. His work is great. I love the idea of blasting away at buildings to create an image.

There is no talking in this video, being a filmclip, but the video demonstrates the artists interaction with the landscape and his response to the music of the band. blasting away the lyrics of the song and peoples face's.

This video is a good example of how well shot footage can be engaging without an interview. I assume too that there was some kind of screen between the camera and the exploding walls.

A technique that has been done before but is a lot of fun is to use a window or piece of glass inbetween the working artist and the camera so you get a close up, in your face view of the artist at work. It is also a bit punk because it suggests to the viewer that you just trashed a camera for the sake of getting a cool, or fun shot. It might be an appropriate approach to take to end one of my artist profile videos.

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