Sunday, August 14, 2011

@lushsux from Zonk Vision on Vimeo.

Vimeo 2011, '@lushsux' viewed August 15, 2011,

LUSH SUX from Joshua Blank on Vimeo.

Vimeo 2011, 'Lush Sux', viewed August 15, 2011,

Tom Ohern recommended I view the artist Lush. I have watched a few of his short movies and they are all based around tacky, sexist, lo grade humour and naked chicks. I can see why Tom likes it because he does a lot of this kind of stuff too. He constantly draws penises and makes lewd statements on walls. Its low-fi graffiti and it get a reaction out of people. Its a little in joke that not everyone will find funny but if you get the punchline its 'fuckin' hilarious!!

No great camera work on these two videos. Just chicks with their tops out doing 'crap' graffiti. Raw, slightly perverse, fun stuff.

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