Tuesday, August 9, 2011

LA Light from Colin Rich on Vimeo.

Source: Rich C 2011, 'LA Light', VImeo, viewed 9 August, 2011,

This video is a beautiful time laps piece that shows off the architecture of LA and builds a visual picture of the city. Accompanied by a slow well suited piece by Cinematic Orchestra, the piece is nicely constructed and has a certain luminosity to it that makes the scenery surreal and almost 3-dimentional.

I am starting to realise how difficult it is to get fantastic footage. Its not always as easy as just setting a camera up and starting to shoot. Lighting angle, focus, shot and all these other elements come into play. I have shot 3 videos now and I feel like I am considering all these elements a lot more when I shoot. Compared to my first effort this semester, my latest work is a lot more considered.

I am especially interested in colour at the moment. I shot an interview with Nicole O'Loughlin to create an artist profile and I have realised that the underlying themes of colour and texture are so important to her work that I really need to shoot a visual narrative that captures colour and texture.

For this I will be shooting in a brightly lit setting with a pure white background so as not to detract from the object or texture in shot with complicated backgrounds or shadow.

I feel with enough consideration I can make a very lovely video from what has provided in the interview. I have finished editing the audio information. The next step for me is to storyboard and start shooting the visual elements.

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