Monday, August 29, 2011

Five Impossible Features

Source: Five Impossible Features 2011, Five Impossible Features, Viewed 30 August, 2011,

This is a great example of something that is a bit more advanced than standard web design. This company creates websites so it is important for them to be able to do something that will impress customers. The angled tiles at the right side of the screen react to the mouse being rolled over them. When ou move the mouse left, they move left, when you move right they move right, and so on. The tiles also slightly expand when you roll over each one.

When you click on one of the features in these tiles the tiles flies of the screen only to reappear in the centre as the main focus of the website. The tiles on the side rearrange themselves accordingly to their original order when the tile is replaced.

Its a fairly simple concept but done well. I know from talking to web designers that this type of onscreen movement is simple to the eye but can mean hours of coding.

I like the idea of movement in my website. Its engaging and makes a website more fun and interactive for the user. I will explore further into the web to find more ideas.

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