Sunday, August 14, 2011

David Choe

Source: Youtube 2011, 'David Choe- Dirty Hands', viewed 15 August, 2011,

Today I'm following up the artists that Tom O'Hern suggested I look into. I'm still building a visual picture of his influences in my mind so I can better relate to him and make a video that reflects him as an artist.

This is of American artist David Choe. The film is fast paced and frantic and shows off the life and art of someone who is has a big personality. He seems spontanious in his art making and the way the video is shot reflects this with its fast cutting and the music that switches between heavy metal and opera. There are also moments that suprise the viewer where he talks about how being jailed changed his life.

Its poorly shot (Or poorly uploaded onto youtube), but the narrative and the imagery fit well together to paint a portrait of a guy that just wants to create chaos.

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