Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Reflection (Artists Statement):

What worked? I'm really happy with this one as I have stated in previous posts. I think it was quite ambitious as a loop project. I think things went really well and I got a lot of good shots. My favorites are the newspaper scene and the shots down the hallway where all you can see is the silhouette and the shadow from the spotlight. I don't think this is a true 'Noir' film but that part definately is. Everything went really well until the part where I had to get it up on the net and that has been a disaster. It hasn't happened and I have tried both on her and on Youtube.

What could I do better next time?
I think that the sound could have had a bit more attention. I recall Lee Hobba saying that it is in the best interests of an artist to do their own sound for projects. I think that's why I went with my soundtrack rather than Miles Davis. 
In terms of editing I think I could have cut the length of the film a bit. I don't think that the fan sequence was necessary but I really wanted it in there and its a fun shot. I think next time I do something like that it will have to be with about 30 people with a camera on a wire pulling back over head. Some more dramatic lighting too. But for the amount of skill I have I think you would have to agree that its a fun concept. I like the side on shots like the envelope swap as they walk and the part where the mystery man disappears as the main character walks off was a lucky take. Looks really cool because he is supposed to come from the shadows and he disappears into them quite well.

In terms of lighting shooting and editing, its my best work ever. I took time to try and get it close to what I envisaged. With makeup and lighting assistants I recon I could have got that real 'Noir' look. In terms of a 'Noir' film I think I half got it right. If you look at the films that were made in the Noir period they are quite slow, dark and very mysterious. The lighting in those films is so dramatic too. I think mine was a little to light and fast paced at times. The slightly humorous aspects to it don't help either.

All in all I think I came up with a good concept. I planned well and I had some people working with me who made the shooting part of the process very easy. My editing was also quite an easy process and I think the fact that I felt under pressure to get it done really helped there. I do regret that I didn't put a heeled shoe walking noise in there but that is my one major regret. The music could be more complex but I think, as I was told by a fellow student, "It gets the message across. It is very repetitive and it is a loop project .
There are minor details that need to be worked on with my film making but I think as a first year student I made something that people can watch and enjoy. It could have possibly been a bit shorter and I still would have got the message across but I just didn't want to compromise on this one in terms of scenes. I think my choice to put the main character tipping his hat towards camera before the loop tarts again really rounds it off too. It has been a learning experience and I hope I can carry it over to make my future projects even better.

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