Wednesday, June 3, 2009


After some confusion as to how to get the footage both from the studio and off the camera I borrowed for the location shoots, I was ready to edit. I had all my footage and I was proficient enough in Premier Pro to know how to cut it. I had three hours of Critique time in class and I really wanted feedback because my loop was a bit different to most people's, in the sense that it was more of a short film than a moving image. 

Using my storyboard I pretty much cut it to match that. I edited the 29 minutes worth of footage from the camera on the fly as I brought it down onto the computer and had already been able to cut the fat off the studio footage that morning. I worked pretty fast and managed to get a presentable first edit done. I turned it to black and white and it was ready to be shown. It was quite exciting really. It looped well and gave people the gist of what I was trying to achieve.
After the Crit I went back and cut about 30 seconds off the film and tightened it all up a bit. There is a scene where there is a kind of Caberet-style fan of envelopes. The footage was not the best and I made it seem more fluid by leaving a small gap between the part where the envelope is handed over and the part where the fan comes down. The handover is a bit out of focus too so I sped it up to try and make it less noticeable and more fluid with the fanning sequence. It was dissapointing to see something out of focus but I had run out of time for filming so covering it up as best I could was a better option.
Pretty much every scene was shortened to make the film a bit more snappy. There are a couple of scenes where I was going for that Noir feel and I didn't really want to make them too short or fast because it changes my intention too much. A few scenes also got sped up slightly if I thought the footage was good but dragged a bit compared to the scenes either side of it.

On the whole I was really happy with the way it had all come together at this point because everything had gone pretty much to plan. There were no major problems with filming or editing and comment from the crit had also been helpful.

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