Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Filming was quite enjoyable at Uni. It went quite smoothly too. We had to play with the lights a bit but on the whole every scene was quite easy to shoot. I had to coordinate a few choreographed scenes and to the credit of the actors in them they were very quick to pick up on what was required. 

I think the uni studio is great because you have so many lights to choose from and the HDV cameras help too!! The only bad thing about it is that there are a lot of doors and windows to get in the way when your shooting a scene.

The mission was a little harder at EC. I could only get one studio light and as a second light I had to take my desk lamp which was actually used as the only light-source in the scene where the mystery man comes out of the darkness to exchange envelopes.
The camera was a bit harder to operate and we had to shoot scenes many times to get what we wanted. We were constantly re doing camera angles and lighting but we got there in the end.
It took a few hours though for what would become such a small amount of footage. Again I am very thankful for my brother's patience with this one!! He did a great job.

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