Tuesday, June 2, 2009

From the first day I learned that out final project on E-media was going to be a loop I wanted to do this. I wanted to make a Noir style film in black and white where a mysterious series of events loops in a circle. It was going to be remenicent of all the films I watched when I was young on John Heind's movie of the week. It would be about gangsters or secret business and it would take place in a 1940's/50's setting.

I was afraid that it might be too literal after seeing some of the examples shown to us by lecturer's. I put the question to Lee Hobba and he said that they really wasn't a limit to what we could do. I was quite excted. This project felt like something I could really get stuck into and after the 'ident' project I was quite comfortable using Premier Pro to edit.

The hard part was that the idea I had formulated was quite involved and it would require actors and multipul locations.

Planning was essential. I knew what I wanted to do but I needed to work through the logistics of the operation to make sure it was successful. I would need to have a good idea of what was going on at all times to make it work. 
As we were entering the last part of the semester we had submissions due for all our classes and I didn't want to waste my time or anyone else's. 
The obvious places to start were storyboard and synopsis. This makes it clear to all involved whats going on.

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