Thursday, September 1, 2011

Miranda July

Source: July, M 2007, No One Belongs Here More Than You, viewed 1 September, 2011,

This is a site for a book written by artist and writer Miranda July. Rachel put me onto it. Its a great idea, very simple. The website is made of a series of photographs that make a sort of narrative that leads to information about the book and her book tour. The real beauty of the site is its simplicity. Its shot and written entirely on her fridge and stove-top, the text is in marker pen. There are two arrows to go forward and backwards and thats pretty much it until you get to the end and then you can click to go to her main website. A nice little promotional idea.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Brett Amory

Amory Drums from Shaun Roberts on Vimeo.

Source:, 'Brett Amory', viewed 31 August 2011,

IO put this video in because I found it searching through some stuff today. I am still refining my video concepts for my project. This piece is great. Its short snappy and is mostly photos but has a couple of elements of animation when he plays the drum. I think that how they do it but It might be filmed? Interesting effect.

Good lighting and interesting choice of shots. I like it.
I am amazed at the power of photos sometimes, not being a photographer myself.
Very effective in communicating the ideas.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Bjarke Ingles Group, Denmark

Bjarke Ingles Group 2011, BIG, viewed 30 August, 2011,

This was a site that my friend and architect Garth Ancher, put me onto. He wanted to know how hard it would be to create a site like this for himself.

I asked a web designer and he told me its quite a big job. The way the website works is that the firm has all of its projects depicted as icons on the home page. You can view them in chronological, alphabetical, scale, programmatic and status. when you click to see them in these different modes the icons rearrange accordingly with the catagory. So if they are arranged in scale small number appear on a scale from smallest to largest and the icons rearrange according to their size on this scale. The icons form shapes that look like a cityscape each time they rearrange, each icon is a symbol of that project and when you roll over each shape it expands to a small photo icon to give you a better idea of the project before you click to the link.

So its info graphics and a modular homepage that is interactive with the viewer. Fun, clever and engaging. Once you click on one of the icons you are taken to a more traditional site, but the site also branches out into similar sub-menus that act in the same way as the home page.

Its a strange thing that not many people will ever visit this site on the greater scale of things. But for the people who do, they will find something that suggests it is as innovative and clever as the work that comes out of this studio. These are the people who are the most important to impress to because they will be BIG's clients. Its important to speak to your target audience. Otherwise you are just wasting your time.

Pula Golf

Source Pula Golf 2010, Pula Golf, visited 30 August, 2011,

This site is for a gold course in Majorca, Spain. The web design team have created a fantasy gold island where each part of the island you scroll over changes as you roll over it. For example: When you roll over the hotel it folds down to reveal a bed and a red line extends out to a pop up window that appears as the link to a specific part of the site. In this case accommodation and bookings.

When you click on the link a second island appears with a closer look at the hotel component of the site. Clicking on a different part of the hotel brings up another menu that has photos and information.

Of course this is all easily bypassed by using the menu at the side. This choice of interaction with the map or just using the side menu is good because it provides people with options on how they use the website. With many rich golfers being old men this is important because they may find the interactive section either hard or frustrating to use, so its good to have the option.

Its good to consider who is going to be looking at your website. In my case I am aiming my site at the arts community in Hobart an further abroad but also at arts industry professionals. Its important to keep in mind that people in this field might not have the time or skill to navigate a site too complex so its important to provide alterantives to interactivity or make them very simple so everyone can use and enjoy them.