Sunday, October 24, 2010

Rough drafts and photos from the computer work I did

Different versions of the banners, some with the final logo. There are also different versions of the train station image with the roof coloured in in a similar way to fed square.

These next few blog entries are my rough computer work. I was trying to print them out but as it always goes the printers at uni were unkind to me. Apologies for the size of the images but hopefully they are big enough to recognise some kind of progression in image making and concept development!
Snaps that I took for the grass logo. shopping poster and the initial photos taken for the street banners of the bus mall entrance, collins and liverpool streets. I then went over them with the line tool, pencil tool and filled colour into the images with the pen tool. All created in illustrator. With the photos I cut out the people and created the image for the poster in photoshop, combining the photos of blue sky, the photos of people and the illustrations done in illustrator. I then put them back into illustrator to add the text and diagrams and maps.

Rough work for the collins image and a few photos that didn't make the cut. These were going to be for the shopping poster. You can also see the palm trees and water fountain that I created by drawing over photos with a graphics tab using pen and pencil tools in illustrator. All my computer images were created in this way.

These are more train station images including the initial photo I took at the domain.
There are a couple of rough versions of the shopping poster and there is also a cut out of a photo I took of my friends pretending to shop. I took all my own photos for this project. Some were more successful than others!!

More rough ideas for the logo on this one. I felt like I was getting closer. there is a lot of experimentation with more hand drawn stuff to make it match the aesthetic of my banner images. There are also a couple of rough ideas for the train including one where I use the photo background. My photoshop skills were tested in this project. I think I have a long way to go! I am just learning blending, opacity and gradients now and will need time to get them looking good. For a better image I decided against trying to blend photo and illustration.

These images are roughs for the collins street banner. Also roughs for the train map with a timetable on it. There are some photo's I took for the project and a couple of ideas for the logo that involved writing "car-free CBD" in the tread of the shoe. That idea seemed to complex for a logo in the end so I moved on.

These are ideas for the stencil/car flyer thing. I had different catchphrases on each one. In the end I just went with a single catchphrase and made a stencil rather that a car flyer. There are also a couple of versions of the logo that didn't make the cut!
These are roughs of the logo I did on illustrator and photoshop. A progression through block colour, outlines and the grass backgraound idea.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Fed square

A nice pic of an archi image from the website
The walls of fed square's buildings.

I made an image of a train station. The walls and roof are inspired loosely around the walls of fed square.

Gehl report on Melbourne

This is a great report on how Gehl Architects turned Melbourne around from being a ghost town into one of the most livable cities in the world.

Using the natural environment to the advantage of the advertiser.

Jan Gehl NY City report

Survey report of NY City street use and improvements from Gehl's advice.


Walkable Streets

Something I stumbled upon in my research . This site is dedicated to more livable streets. Lots of articles written by different people on how living car free is better.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Some Oldenburg stuff

I based the public art in my images on oldenburg's stuff. Its good fun and it makes an interesting juxaposition in a town like hobart with little character, in terms of public art and art acceptance in the public sphere.

British museum atrium

The beautiful atrium at the British museum. I love the way it appears in these pics. A really cool addition to an old building.

Atrium business

drawing of an atrium.
A grand atrium.

Here are some atrium examples. I am looking at these for my train station pic which I am creating for my project.
I am looking at making an image of a modern atrium but I thought I'd throw in some other examples of what i've been looking at anyway.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Green Stuff

Here are a few things that incorporate architecture and environment into one.

GREEN Art, Architecture, Design and Tec 1

This is a site I found with a few green ideas. Good for thinking of a few things to do in urban situations to promote green/sustainable city living.

Public spaces

Just a few different images for public spaces. You can see the way different firms go about deisgning the concept images for these spaces in these pics and there is a photo or two I threw in.

Some colourful vibrant images depicting proposed public spaces.

This one I just thought was a cool little cafe type space so I put it in.
Grand planning in a public space in amongst the buildings.
Some interesting walkways in amongst a fairly standard looking building.

Nice wide public walkway. No cars just people.

Intersting architecture and public space.

Tree stuff

I have just been looking at trees online to see how they are used in archi/draughting images. I want to incorporate architectural style images into my work so I am just trying to get a feel for what kind of images professionals create to represent trees. I have also been looking at things like park benches and public areas which I also want to incorporate into the designs.

I found this image of a projection of a tree. Its a possible avenue I could go down for another part of my project. Projecting trees onto wall spaces.
This one has green foliage and black figures.

I like this image because it is situated in amongst trees. It uses line drawing to illustrate the image and the people are black figures. I plan to illustrate figures in my images in the same way.

An architectural impression of a building with a padestrian area and trees.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Building wraps and line drawings

a short piece about the wrap on Saint Pauls
This picture is of st Pauls catherdral in london. In 2006 when I was living there, the catherdral was being restored and the low side of it was covered. Rather than a blank boarded up space an impression of the catherdal was placed on the side to make it more interesting. I used to go past it quite frequently because I would jump my bike down the stairs near there and would always take a look to see if there was any progress on the restorations.

This wrap is an influence on my descision to make a situational installation on the streets of collins and liverpool for my graphics assignment.

over head perspective.
A bit of colour and some depth to this one!
This one is cool cause it has a semi hand drawn look to it.
Some archi line drawings that relate to my images.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

A link to london's Docklonds light railway which provides an efficient mode of transport which is an alternative to a car.

Advertising campaign uses stunt yolks to persuade motorists to use the Metro

By Ramola Talwar Badam

DUBAI // Fried eggs were splattered across the bonnets of thousands of cars in the emirate yesterday.

71Well, not quite. But many commuters did a double take when they found eggs seemingly sizzling in the summer heat on car hoods in Dubai Media City, Internet City and Deira.

The sunny-side-up culprits, printed on palm-sized cards and mounted on magnets, were part of a Dubai Metro advertising campaign to get people out of their cars and onto the Metro. The small lettering on the egg white read: “It’s a cool 20°C on the Metro”.

Some 3,500 cars were plastered with the magnetic cards yesterday, and about the same number of vehicles will be targeted tomorrow.

“We’re trying to get a key message across in a different way,” said Peyman Younes Parham, the director of the Roads and Transport Authority’s corporate marketing department.

“Basically, we want to get people who drive cars thinking of public transport – and the Metro specifically. The idea we’re placing is that it is so hot right now you can fry an egg on your car.”

The advertising agency Saatchi & Saatchi Dubai drew up the campaign to target motorists near the Red Line between Ibn Battuta and Bur Dubai over the next few days. The agency targeted areas where there was little underground car parking.

The fried egg campaign drew laughs from many car owners. Some spotted the magnetic cards as they pulled off sun shades from the windscreen, others gave a curious glance at the eggs while walking up to their cars.

“This is so funny. It literally is baking here,” said Osadya Selen, a French national who runs a marketing firm in Media City. The temperature on her car thermometer showed 46°C.

“It should have been bigger, though, many people won’t see the egg because the sunlight is blinding.”

Mira Magd, who works with a television media company and frequently travels on the Metro, said: “It’s really cool advertising. But you can’t use the Metro every time; sometimes people need cars to get them to different places.”

Mr Parham acknowledged the campaign would not get people hopping onto the Metro immediately, but said it would get people thinking.

“It’s a new campaign style in which we are trying to send people a message: ‘See how long it takes to walk to your car? How long it takes for the air conditioning to kick in? Instead, you could have been sitting in a cool Metro station’,” he said.

Meanwhile, the RTA yesterday announced November 1 as Public Transport Day to mark the fifth anniversary of the transport body. To celebrate, free rides will be given to Nol Card holders on the Metro, buses and water taxis.

Passengers have made 30 million rail trips in Dubai since the Metro launch last year.